What’s the AppSheet Promise?

We’re your AppSheet copilot.
AppSheet is made for creating apps yourself. But sometimes, it’s hard to figure out how to make it do exactly what you want, and it’s not always clear that you’re making the right choices. That’s where we’ll help.

Quick answers from an expert, whenever you need them.
Dropping everything you’re doing to search a forum, read a book, or watch a video takes away from the real work you’re supposed to be doing. When you get stuck, we’ll provide quick, personalized help to get you back on track without losing hours of time.
I love spending hours searching the internet for the answer to (what seems to be) a simple question.
– No One Ever
Avoid trouble spots so that your app grows with you.
On the surface, AppSheet seems pretty straightforward, but under the hood, there are some technical realities that can cause things to get messy as your app grows. That’s where good old-fashioned computer science know-how comes in handy. We’ve got that, and we’re happy to share when you need help avoiding (or getting out of) a difficult situation.

Our customers love it when our systems go down because we didn’t plan properly.
– Also No One

Make installing your app on phones and tablets a breeze.
Publishing your app to the Google and Apple app stores (either publicly or privately) makes it much easier for your users to install and use them. But getting them there is not at all straightforward. We can help with that too.
Free AppSheet Tutorials
We’re big AppSheet fans, and we post videos about it to our YouTube channel weekly. The videos include tutorials, tips and tricks, how-tos, demos, and more. Subscribe to get notified as soon as new videos are posted.
Send Better Google Forms Email Notifications (and more) With AppSheet
https://youtu.be/XXqfR7WsFcI Google Forms makes it easy to collect information, but its built-in email notifications are pretty basic. They don’t include the full content of…
Continue Reading Send Better Google Forms Email Notifications (and more) With AppSheet
Automate Your AppSheet Workflows with Gmail Triggers
https://youtu.be/fGOQD35erA0 Google recently introduced a powerful new feature that allows Gmail to trigger automations in your AppSheet apps. This makes it much easier to…
Continue Reading Automate Your AppSheet Workflows with Gmail Triggers
The (kind of) Hidden Smart Assistant in Google AppSheet
https://youtu.be/ftk3H4Otd5c Did you know that Google AppSheet has a built-in assistant similar to Siri or Google Assistant? This powerful but somewhat hidden feature allows…
Continue Reading The (kind of) Hidden Smart Assistant in Google AppSheet